Elena Levtchenko


Published Papers

Nephrology - Dialysis - Transplantation

Urinary Cysteamine Loss in Cystinosis Patients

ACE Inhibitor Enalapril Diminishes Albuminuria in Patients with Cystinosis

Strict Csyteamine Dose Regimen is Required to Prevent Noctorunal Cystine Accumulation

Altered Status of Glutathione and its metabolites in Cystinotic Cells

Elevated Oxidized Glutathione in Cystinotic Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells

PowerPoint on Cystagon Dose at 6 & 9 hours


NAME: 	Levtchenko Elena

Born: 	3th of April 1965 in Moscow
Nationality:	Belgian
Civil State: 	Married, 2 children

Address: 	Begijnenhof 12, 6584 CW Molenhoek, The Netherlands
Telephone: 	0031-24-361 68 72
Fax: 	0031-24-361 93 48
e-mail:	e.levtchenko@cukz.umcn.nl

Language Knowledges

Russian: 	mother tongue
Dutch: 	very good 
English: 	very good
French: 	very good
German:	notion

Basic Education

1972-1982:	Secondary School with English Option in Moscow, diploma cum laude

University Education 

1982-1988:	Russian Medical University
Obtained certificate/diploma: MD cum laude
	"Specific aspects of diabetes mellitus in children"

1988-1990:	Paediatrics Research Institute of Academy of Medical Science - Moscow
	Staff Physician
	Narrow Specialisation in Paediatric Nephrology

1990-1991:	Paediatrics Research Institute of Academy of Medical Science - Moscow
	Nephrology Department
	Postgraduate student with research object:
	"The role of lipids in the progress of kidney diseases"

1993-1997:	Free University Brussels: Assistant in Department of Paediatrics

1998 (jan.-sept.) Assistant in Department of Paediatrics, UZA, Antwerpen

1998 - 2000 	Fellow in Department of Paediatric Nephrology, UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen

sept.1999	receiving of diploma	"physician-specialist in paediatrics"
2000 (oct - now) Paediatric Nephrologist, University Medical Centre St Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlnads

Other Experience

1986-1987: WE-nurse in the department of neonatology and maternity

Other post-graduate education

1991-1993:	Free University of Brussels (VUB) - Belgium
	Postgraduate Course of Medical and Pharmacological Research.
	Investigation of Proinsulin in Isolated Human ß-Cells and Human Pancreatic Extracts
	Obtained diploma:
	Master of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research

1995-1996: 	  Postgraduate Course "Brevet: Urgentie geneeskunde"

09-13/03/1998	  Peritoneal Dialysis University, Academic Medical Centrum, Amsterdam

23-25/04/1999	  Dialysis Academy, University of Gent

07-18/06/1999	 Molecular Biology and Recombonant DNA technology, University of      Utrecht

25-27/01/2000  Course of "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hemostase en Trombose"

31/08-1/09/2000 Boerhaave course Practical Nephropathology


1.	The evolution of the nephrotic syndrome depending on the age of the child at the start of the disease.
2.	Levtchenko E, Naumova V
Pediatric Nephrology Problems, 1990, 29-38

2.	Apoproteines A & B of blood in the glomerulonephrite of children.
	Levtchenko E, Naumova V
Laboratory Methods in Nephrology, 1991, 50-58

3.	Criteria of Nephrotic Syndrome activity of children depending on their age.
Levtchenko E, Naumova V
Published in the minutes of the 5th nephrologic congress in Frunze-1990, p.23

4.	Erlichiosis in Belgium. 
 Pierard D, Levtchenko E, Dawson JE, Lauwers S
Lancet, 1995, 346: 1233-1234.

5.	Exogenous surfactant therapy for status asthmaticus.
	Levtchenko E, Ramet J
	Eur.J. Pediatr, 1996, 156.

6.	Urinaire ß2-microglobuline bepalingen bij jonge kinderen met acute pyelonefritis
	Levtchenko E,  De Bock S, De Schepper J
	Mini Acta, 1996: 129.

7.	Groeihormoontherapie bij chronisch nierlijden.
	E.Levtchenko, J.De Schepper, K.Boven, K.Van Hoeck
	Mini Acta, 1998, 30 (2): 92-93.

8.	Nutritional value of an "anti-regurgitation" formula
	E.Levtchenko, B.Hauser, Y.Vandenplas
	Acta Gastro-Enterologica belgica, 1998, LX1: 285-287.

9. Bowel perforation due to hypotension in an infant with Prune Belly Syndrome undergoing peritoneal dialysis.
	E.Levtchenko, S.O.Pardede, L.Monnens
	Peritoneal Dialysis International, 1999, 19:	492.

10.Autosomal recessive inheritance of von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease deficiency..
	te Loo DMWM, Levtchenko E, Furlan M, Roosendaal G, van den Heuvel L
	Pediatric Nephrology, 2000, 14: 762-765. 

 11.The molecular basis of Dutch infantile nephropatic cystinosis patients. 
	Heil S, Levtchenko E, Monnens L, Trijbels F, Van der Put N, Blom H
	Nephron, 2001, 89: 50-55.

12. Attitude of Belgian pediatricians toward the diagnosis and treatment of acute pyelonephritis in Belgium.
	Levtchenko EN, Ham HR, Levi J, Piepsz A
	Pediatr Nephrol, 2001, 16:113-115.

13. Role of Tc-99m DMSA scintigraphy in the diagnosis of culture negative pyelonephritis.
	Levtchenko EN, Lahy C, Levy J, Ham HR, Piepsz A
	Pediatr Nephrol, 2001, 16: 503-506.

14. Treatment of children with acute pyelonephritis: a prospective randomised study.
	Levtchenko EN, Lahy C, Levy J, Ham HR, Piepsz A
	Pediatr Nephrol, 2001, 16: 878-884.

15. Negligible urinary cysteamine loss in cystinosis patients with Fanconi syndrome.
	Levtchenko EN, de Graaf-Hees A, Blom HJ, Monnens LAH
	Clinical Nephrology, 57: 349-351, 2002.

16. Indicaties en complicaties van nierbiopsie op kinderleeftijd.
	Levtchenko E, van Die C, van Collenburg JJM
      Tijdschrift Kindergeneeskd 2001, 69 (6): 218-221.

17. Follow-up and treatment of adults with nephropathic cystinosis in the Netherlands.
	Geelen JM, Monnens LAH, Levtchenko EN
	Nephrology Dialysis, Transplantation, 17: 1-5, 2002.

18. WT-1 and NPHS2 mutations analysis in patients with steroid resistant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
	Löwik M,  Levtchenko E, Monnens L,  van den Heuvel L 
	Clinical Nephrology 59: 143-146, 2003. 

19 .Enalapril diminishes albuminuria in patients with cystinosis.
	Levtchenko E, Blom H, Wilmer M, vanden Heuvel L, Monnens L
	Clinical Nephrology 60: 386-389, 2003.
20. Effective chemical preservation of morphology of urinary erythrocytes.
Komarova O, Van Der Meer W, Levtchenko E, Monnens L.
       Pediatr Nephrol. 2003, 7:665-6. Epub 2003 May 14.

21. Distinction between Liddle syndrome and apparent mineralocorticoid excess.
      Monnens L, Levtchenko E
	Pediatr Nephrol. 2003 Nov 19 [Epub ahead of print].

23. From gene to disease; SLC3A1, SLC7A9 and cystinuria
Geelen J, Levtchenko E, Monnens L
Dutch Journal of Medicine 2003, 147(25): 1242-1243. 

24.	From gene to disease; cystinosis.
Levtchenko E, Wilmer M, de Graaf-Hess A,  van den Heuvel L, Blom H, Monnens L
	Accepted in Dutch Journal of Medicine, 2004 

25. Comparison of cystine determination in mixed leukocytes versus polymorphonuclear leukocytes for diagnosis of cystinosis and monitoring of cysteamine therapy.
Levtchenko E, de Graaf-Hess A, Wilmer M, van den Heuvel L, Monnens L, Blom H
	Submitted, 2004

Presentations at Congresses	

1.	Trois cas de "pseudo"-obstruction intestinale
	B.Hauser, E.Levtchenko, A.Vanderfaillie, M.Scaillon, Y.Vandenplas, S.Cadranel
	Oral presentation during 10e Verjaardag van BGPGN, 22/10/94, Brussels.

2.	Analgesienoden volgens ventilatie modes. 
	J.Ramet, E. Levtchenko
Oral presentation during the 23th annual meeting of "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde"; 17-18/03/1995, Brussels

3.	Incidentie van intracraniële bloeding bij kinderen met schedel-fracturen. 
E.Levtchenko, S.Hachimi-Idrissi, B.Desprechins, J.Ramet
Poster during the 23th annual meeting of "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde"; 17-18/03/1995, Brussels. Published in Mini Acta, 1995: 62.

4.	Decrease of the sedation requirements with pressure regulated volume control ventilation 
J.Ramet, S.Hachimi-Idrissi, E.Levtchenko
Poster during 25th International symposium on intensive care and emergency medicine, 21-24/03/1995, Brussels.

5.	First case of human ehrlichiosis in Belgium. 
	E.Levtchenko, D.Pierard, J.Van der Werff ten Bosch, P.Bollen, J.De Schepper, S.Lauwers. 
Oral presentation during  24th annual meeting of "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde"; 22-23/03/1996, Spa.

6.	Chronic subdural haematoma in infants: a sign of the whiplash shaken baby syndrome ?
	E.Levtchenko, I.Rayen, S.Rosseneu, D.Denolf, J.Marchand, L.Demeirleir, J.D'Haens, A.Lampo, J.De Schepper. 
Oral presentation during  24th annual meeting of "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde"; 22-23/03/1996, Spa.

7.	Serum apoproteins in nephrotic children.
E.Levtchenko, D.Matkerimov, J.De Schepper, T.Sergeeva
Poster during the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, August 29 - September 1, 1996, Lausanne. 
	Published in Pediatric Nephrology, 1996, 10: C142.

8. 	Randomised treatment trial of children with acute pyelonephritis.
	E.Levtchenko, C.Lahy, M.Verboven, J.Levy, H.Ham, A.Piepz 
	Poster during 31st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, September 27-30, 1997, Athens. 
	Published in Pediatric Nephrology, 1997, 11: C 57.

9.	Results of glucose tolerance testing in children recovering from hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
	E.Levtchenko, J.De Schepper, J.Ramet, Y.Vandenplas
	Poster during 31st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, September 27-30, 1997, Athens.
	Published in Pediatric Nephrology, 1997, 11: C 83.

10. Acute pyelonephritis without positive urine culture.
	E.Levtchenko, C.Lahy, M.Verboven, J.Levy, H.Ham, A.Piepsz
	Poster during 26th "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde".
	Published in Mini Acta, 1998, 84.

11. Etude randomisée du traitement des pyelonéphrites aigues chez l'enfant.	
	C.Lahy, E.Levtchenko,  M.Verboven, J.Levy, H.Ham, A.Piepsz
	Poster during 26th "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde".
	Published in Mini Acta, 1998, 85.

12. Longitudinal changes in peritoneal equilibration test (PET) characteristics in  very young children.
	K.Boven, N.De Brabander, E.Levtchenko, K.Van Hoeck
	Poster during 	11 th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association,
	September 12-16, 1998, London.
	Published in Pediatric Nephrology, 1998, 12: C209.

13. Attitude of Belgian paediatricians to diagnosis and treatment of acute pyelonephritis. 
	E.Levtchenko, J.Levy, H.Ham, A.Piepsz
	Poster during 27th "Belgische vereniging voor kindergeneeskunde".19-20/03/99, Brussels
	Published in Journal du pediatre Belge, 134. 

14. To treat or not to treat? 
	E. Levtchenko, L. Monnens
	Oral Presentation during 30 Conference of European Working Group on Psychological Aspects of Children with Chronic Renal Failure.
      Nijmegen, May 26-29, 1999

15. Cystinose sans accumulation de cystine en leucocytes. 
	E.Levtchenko, H. Blom, A. Van de Vlucht, A. De Graaf, L.Monnens
	Presentation during Seminaire de Nephrologie Pediatrique, 22-23/03/99, Parijs.

16. National audit: diagnosis and treatment of acute pyelonephritis in Belgium. 
	E.Levtchenko, J.Levy, H.Ham, A.Piepsz
	Poster during de 33th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, September 3-5, 1999, Praeg.
	Published in Pediatric Nephrology, 1999, 11: P111.

17. Hereditary thrombotic Thrombocytopenic purpura  due to Von Willebrand Factor protease deficiency.
	E. Levtchenko, M. te Loo, M.Furlan, L.van den Heuvel, L. Monnens
	Poster during 64 meeting of NVVN
	Gent, Oktober 9, 1999. 

18. Cystinose sans accumulation de cystine en leucocytes. 
	E.Levtchenko, H. Blom, A. Van de Vlucht, A. De Graaf, L.Monnens
	Oral presentation during Seminaire de Nephrologie Pediatrique, 22-23/03/99, Parijs.

19.	Molecular basis of cystinosis in eleven Dutch patients.
S.G.Heil, L.Monnens, E.Levtchenko, P. van der Put, H.Blom
	Oral presentation during 65 meeting of NVVN
	Utrecht, Januaru 15, 2000.

20.	Treatment of children with acute pyelonephritis: a prospective randomized study.
      E.Levtchenko, C.Lahy, J.Levy, M.Verboven, H.Ham, A.Piepsz	
 	Oral presentation during de 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, June 18-20, 2000, Helsinki.

21.	Treatment of children with acute pyelonephritis: a prospective randomized study.
       A.Piepsz, E.Levtchenko, C.Lahy, J.Levy, M.Verboven, H.Ham	
 	Oral presentation during European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress
	September 2-6, 2000, Paris.
22.	Renal graft removal after failed transplantation - a more aggressive approach?
F.Zarouali, E.Levtchenko, M.Cornelissen, L.Monnens
Poster during First Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant association. 
Augustus 23-25, 2000, Venice.

23.	Verwijderen van falende transplantaatnier - een meer aggressieve aanpak?
       E.Levtchenko, F.Zarouali, M.Cornelissen, L.Monnens
 Poster during Wetenschapsdag 2000, UMC St.Radboud, 
October 27, 2000, Nijmegen
	Poster during  22 Annual Meeting of Dutch Society of Pediatrics, November 1-3, 2000, Veldhoven

24.	Negligible urinary cysteamine loss in cystinosis patients
E.Levtchenko, L. Monnens, H.Blom
Oral presentation during Autumn symposium of Dutch Society of Hereditary metabolic disease, October 8-10, 2000, Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout

25. Treatment of children with acute pyelonephritis: a prospective randomized study.
      E.Levtchenko, C.Lahy, J.Levy, M.Verboven, H.Ham, A.Piepsz	
 	Oral presentation during 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, June 18-20, 2000, Helsinki.

25.	Follow-up en behandeling van volwassene cystinose patiënten in Nederland.
J.Geelen, E.Levtchenko, L.Monnens
Oral presentation during Autumn symposium of Dutch Society of Hereditary metabolic disease, October 8-10, 2000, Noordwijkerhout

26.	Revealing the molecular basis of nephropathic infantile cystinosis in Dutch patients.
S.G.Heil, E.Levtchenko, L.A.H.Monnens, F.J.M.Trijbels, N.M.J. van de Put,  H.J.Blom
Poster during Spring symposium of Dutch Society of Clinical Chemistry
Lunteren, April 11, 2001

27.	Follow-up and treatment of adults with nephropathic cystinosis in the Netherlands. E.Levtchenko, J.Geelen, L.Monnens
Poster during 12th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Assiciation, Seattle  September1-5, 2001.
Published in Pediatric Nephrology,  2001, 16: C96.

28.	Low urinary cysteamine excretion in cystinosis patients.
E.Levtchenko, A.De Graaf, L.Monnens, H.Blom
Poster during 12th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Assiciation, Seattle  September1-5, 2001.
Published in Pediatric Nephrology,  2001, 16: C96.

29.	Cystinosis: pitfalls in diagnosis and treatment.
H.J.Blom, E.Levtchenko, A. De Graaf, S.G.Heil, L.A.H.Monnens
Poster during 13th ESGLD Workshop
Woudschoten, September 20-23, 2001

30.	Cystinebepaling bij cystinose patiënten: therapeutische consenquenties afhankelijk
van het celtype. 
E. Levtchenko, A. De Graaf, L.Monnens, H.Blom
Poster during 23 Annual Meeting of Dutch Society of Pediatrics
Veldhoven, November 7-9, 2001
Published in Tijdschrift Kindergeneeskd 2001, 5A: 13

30. Pitfalls in cystine measurements: therapeutic consequences for cystinosis patients.
      E. Levtchenko, A. De Graaf, L.Monnens, H.Blom
      Poster during meeting of Dutch Society of Nephrology
      Groningen, November 24, 2001

31. WT-1 and NPHS2 mutation analysis in patients with non-familial steroid-resistant          focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
M.M. Löwik, E.N. Levtchenko, L.A.H. Monnens, L.P.W.J. van den Heuvel
Poster during Nederlandse Nefrologie Dagen 2002
Noordwijkerhout, April 4-5, 2002

32. Can we prevent dialysis-associated morbidity by using non-invasive blood volume monitoring?
E. Levtchenko, D. Creemers, H. Van Lier, D. Van Schaijk, I. Van Rijbroek, C. Schröder
Poster during the 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, September 20-23, 2002, Bilbao. 
Published in Pediatric Nephrology,  2002, 17: C131.

33. Enalapril diminishes albumin excretion in patients with cystinosis.
E. Levtchenko, M.Wilmer, H.Blom, L. van den Heuvel, L.Monnens
Oral presentation during  36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, September 20-23, 2002, Bilbao. 
Published in Pediatric Nephrology,  2002, 17: C49.

34. Use of non-invasive blood volume monitoring by hematocrit for prevention of dialysis     associated morbidity in children.
Levtchenko E, Creemers D, Van Lier H, Van Schaijk D, Van Rijbroek I, Schröder C
Poster during ASN Renal week 2002
Philadelphia Oktober 30-November 4, 2002.
Published in J Am Soc Nephrol 13: 580A, 2002

35.	Use of non-invasive blood volume monitoring by hematocrit, cGMP and inferior vena cava diameter for determination of dry weight in children on hemodialysis.
Levtchenko E, Creemers D, van Schaijk D, Rijbroek I, Schr der C. 
	Poster during World Congress of Nephrology. Price of 20% best abstracts.
	Berlijn, Juni 8-12, 2003

34.	Effect of carnitine supplementation on muscle function in cystinotic patients with Fanconi syndrome.
Levtchenko E, de Jong J, Ruitenbeek W, de Knecht S, Monnens L 
	Poster during World Congress of nephrology
	Berlijn, Juni 8-12, 2003

35.	Studies in fibroblasts: a usefull tool towards the understanding of the pathogenesis of cystinosis.
Levtchenko E, Wilmer M, van den Heuvel L, Blom H, Monnens L
	Poster during 25 congress of Dutch Society of Pediatrics
	Veldhoven, November 5-7, 2003.

36.	The importance of WT1-gene molecular analysis in patients with non-familial steroidresistant nephrotic syndrome
Löwik M, Levtchenko E, van den Heuvel L, Monnens L
	Poster during 25 congress of Dutch Society of Pediatrics
	Veldhoven, November 5-7, 2003.

37.	ATP depletion in cultured cystinotic fibriblasts
Levtchenko E, Koenderink J, Wilmer M, van den Heuvel L, Blom H, Monnens L
	Poster during ASN Renal Week 2003
	San-Diego, November 14-18, 2003

Membership in societies

1.	Netherlands Society of Nephrology 
2.	Netherlands Society of Paediatrics 
3.	Belgian Society of Paediatrics 
4.	European Society for Paediatric Nephrology 
5.	Belgian Society of Nephrology 
6.	International Paediatric Nephrology Association 
7.	American Society of Nephrology